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The Complexion Enhancer...Tranexamic Acid!

Discover the highly effective Tranexamic Acid for an even skin tone!


Spots like pigmentation, freckles, and discoloration can have various causes. It's advisable to identify the exact cause to protect the skin optimally.

Would you like to learn more about how DearMYDEW can assist you?

What is tranexamic acid?

It is an ingredient used in skincare products, added as a white crystalline powder, to improve various skin issues and skin tone.

What causes pigmentation?

When exposed to sunlight, the skin produces melanin to protect itself from the harmful effects of the sun. However, excessive sun exposure can promote melanin formation, leading to pigmentation.


Exposure to UV Radiation

UVA penetrates deeply into the skin layers, stimulating melanin production, while UVB affects the epidermis, causing pigmentation and freckle formation.

Melanin Production Stimulation

Sun exposure triggers melanin production in the skin as a protective measure. This activates melanocytes, the cells responsible for melanin synthesis. Prolonged and excessive UV exposure continuously boosts melanin production, resulting in skin pigmentation.

③ Freckle Formation

Excessive melanin production from UV exposure can lead to freckles appearing in certain areas of the skin.

Benefits of Tranexamic Acid

① Improvement of Pigmentation

Tranexamic acid effectively addresses skin pigmentation issues by regulating excessive melanin production, leading to an improved and more uniform skin tone.

Diminishing Post-Acne Redness

It aids in reducing post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), diminishing redness following acne recovery.

Improving Skin Radiance

By targeting skin pigmentation concerns, it enhances skin luminosity and promotes a more radiant complexion.


Who might benefit from Tranexamic Acid?

Those who are …

… seeking to manage increasing freckles and blemishes

… aspiring to achieve clear and translucent skin, moving away from a dull complexion

… troubled by diminished skin radiance

... desiring clean skin with a uniform tone


DearMYDEW Tranexamic Acid Product